[17/05/2024] Migration, the US-Mexico Borderlands, Border Necropolitics and Their Representations. Invited lecture. Universidad de Valladolid, ES.

[16/05/2024] Latinx and Chicanx Heritage, Culture and Representations. Invited lecture. Universidad de Valladolid, ES.

[08/05/2024] Cuerpos migrantes en la cultura popular: mujeres en la frontera mexicana. Lecture series Trazando Cuerpos. Universidad de Salamanca, ES.

[23/01/2024] Mexico as Locus of Horror and Savagery in US Popular Culture. Spring lecture series. Miskatonic Institute of Horror Studies, NYC branch.

[21/07/2023] Speaker and chair of the keynote roundtable “Más negro que nunca: Contemporary Mexican Horror Cinema.” Fear 2000: Horror Uncaged. Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

[10/05/2023] Migrants at the Boundaries: The US-Mexico Borderland Experience in Multimodal Texts. IV Seminario de Cultura Anglófona: Migration and Refugees. Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, ES.

[20/04/2023] Gone South: Gringos, Monsters, and the Threatening Otherness Inside Mexican Mountains. Lecture series Inside Mountains: Material Extractions and Mythical Exploits in the Americas. Universität Innsbruck, AT.

[28/03/2023] The Other Side in the American Experience: Monstrous Sea as Embodiment of Otherness. International seminar Frontiers and Wastelands: Redefining the Nation in US Popular Culture. Center for American Studies, Syddansk Universitet, DK.

[26/10/2021] Wrestling Graphic Novels: A Comics Grid Webinar. Live Chats on Comics Scholarship. Open Library of Humanities | Birkbeck, University of London, UK.

[29/04/2021] El racismo en los medios mexicanos: un análisis crítico discursivo. Primer coloquio sobre el racismo en los medios de comunicación en México. Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México, MX.

[21/04/2021] Young Scholars in American Studies, presented with L. Álvarez Trigo. VII Doctoral Seminar on American Studies. Instituto Franklin–UAH, ES.

[18/11/2020] The Manifestations of Latinx Heritage in US Popular Culture. I Postgraduate Seminar on American Studies. Instituto Franklin–UAH, ES.

[16/11/2020] Análisis crítico del discurso presidencial mexicano: AMLO. Invited lecture. Università degli Studi di Genova, IT.

[08/11/2019] Contexto y evolución del discurso presidencial mexicano contemporáneo. Invited lecture. Università degli Studi di Genova, IT.

[28/02/2019] Il lavoro di ricerca: come si fa una tesi di laurea. Invited lecture. Università degli Studi di Milano, IT.

[26/02/2019] El español de México. Invited lecture. Università degli Studi di Milano, IT.

[21/02/2018] Otherness, Folklore and Literary Interpretations of Mexico by English-Speaking Authors. Invited lecture. Università degli Studi di Milano, IT.

[23/03/2017] Las memorias del agua – Historia, visiones y colores del Tabasco maya. Interpretation and cultural mediation for the conference and storytelling talk on the work of Chontal artist Eliazar Hernández Árias (Tabasco, MX). Università degli Studi di Milano, IT.

[04–06/06/2025] Nostalgia, Futurism, and De/Rehumanization of the Latinx Body in The Ballad of Tita and the Machines. NAAS 2025 Conference. University of Turku, FI. [confirmed]

[04/01/2025] Being a Good Migrant: A Critical Discourse Anatomy of Latinx Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in the Trump Era. 51st Annual Conference, American Politics Group of the UK Political Studies Association. Keele University, UK.

[14/11/2024] Border-Crossing, Hybridity, and Ethnoracial Contamination in The Lone Ranger and Tonto (1994). Framing the Unreal: Exploring Graphic/Visual Science Fiction and Fantasy. Ca’ Foscari University, IT.

[08/11/2024] Purging the American Dream: Anomie and the Reinforcement of Whiteness in The Purge Forever. 47th AEDEAN Conference. Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, ES.

[03–05/10/2024] Lone Star (1996) as De/Construction of Latinx Conservative Politics, Anti-Immigrant Sentiments, and “True” Americanness. ASANOR Conference 2024. Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, NO. [confirmed]

[10–12/04/2024] “Nothing in life is completely confidential”: Privacy and Anti-Surveillance in The Private Eye. BAAS 69th Annual Conference, UK.

[13/01/2024] Chicanx Gothic: Transnationality, Death, and the Journey to the Underworld. Undead Tropes – New Directions in Gothic Studies Workshop. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, DE.

[08/11/2023] Chicanx Electric Dreams: Cyberpunk Borderlands and Rasquache Cosmovisions in Tears of the Trufflepig. 46th AEDEAN Conference. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, ES.

[21/07/2023] Extralegality, Satanism, and Syncretic Cults Shaping Mexican Horrors. Fear 2000: Horror Uncaged. Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

[24/05/2023] Descent to the Underworld: Mexican Underground Loci of Danger in Cross-Border Popular Media. Underground Imaginaries 2023 Conference. Universidad de Alcalá, ES.

[18/11/2022] Tracing the Spread: Film Noir and the Representation of Pandemic Outbreaks. From the Black Death to COVID-19: Airborne Diseases in History, Literature, and Culture Conference. University of Vienna, AT.

[30/09/2022] Monsters from the Other Side: The Sea as Embodiment of Ethnic Otherness. ASANOR Conference 2022. NORD University, NOR.

[02/09/2022] Gaming the US–Mexico Border: Migrants, Enforcers, and the Necropolitical Experience. Video Games as a Common Ground. University of Zadar, HR.

[02/07/2022] The Tooth Fairy Legacy in 21st-Century American Cinema. Fear 2000: Horror Unbound. Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

[22/06/2022] The Fantasmical Gothic Heterotopia in Rhode Montijo’s Pablo’s Inferno. 12th International Conference on Chicano Literature and Latino Studies. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, ES.

[22/04/2022] Blue Beetle and the Representation of the US Internal/External Ethnic Boundaries. BAAS Annual Conference. University of Hull, UK.

[06/04/2022] The Common Meat: Food Privilege, Extinction, and Waste in Starve. 34th European Association for American Studies Conference. UNED and Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ES.

[18/11/2021] Visualizing the Unseeable: The COVID-19 Virus in US (Ethnic) Political Cartoons. Popularizing STEM: Science and Technology in 21st-Century US Popular Culture. PopMeC and Instituto Franklin-UAH, ES.

[21/10/2021] Virtual Reality, Cyborg Migrants, and Cross-Border Dehumanization on the US-Mexico Boundary. Digital Americas, 48th Conference of the Austrian Association for American Studies. University of Graz, AT.

[14/09/2021] The Representation of the Southwestern Borderlands and Border Crossing in Tex. Visual Depictions of the American West. ICLA. Università Ca’ Foscari, IT.

[10/09/2021] Re/Structuring Borderland Supernatural Horror in From Dusk till Dawn: The Series. Fear 2000: Horror Unbound. Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

[09/09/2021] Dystopias in the Trump Era: Anti/Immigration and Resistance in Calexit. SF: Activism & Resistance. London Science Fiction Research Community, UK.

[27/05/2021] The PopMeC Association and Academic Blog: Early Career Research Project Experiences. Presented with L. Álvarez Trigo. 4th Early-Career Scholars’ Conference. Universidad de Valladolid, ES.

[27/05/2021] Legitimación discursiva de la represión estatal en México: el caso de Iguala. IV Jornada CELAB. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, ES.

[10/04/2021] Barrier and the Representation of the US Internal/External Boundaries. TRANSITIONS 9 – new directions in comics studies. Birkbeck University of London, UK.

[24/03/2021] “Clenching my teeth”: Francisco Cantú and the Complexity of Border-Related Fear. 15th SAAS Conference. Universidad de Deusto, ES.

[26/10/2020] La legitimación discursiva del estado de excepción en la frontera entre México y EEUU. II Encuentro Internacional de Estudio sobre Estados de Excepción y Terrorismo de Estado. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, ES.

[22/10/2020] “Mientras tanto en Ciudad Gótica”: aciertos y desaciertos en la traducción mexicana de Batman. Comics in Dialogue International Conference. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ES.

[28/02/2020] Delinear la represión estatal mexicana a través de su discurso institucional y mediático. III Jornada CELAB – Construir Conocimiento para Sociedades en Disputa. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, ES.

[13/12/2019] Reconstructing the Trump Era through a Latino Perspective in El Machete Illustrated. Alternative Realities: New Challenges for American Literature in the Era of Trump. UCD Clinton Institute, IE.

[07/12/2019] Representation of Borderland Latinos in Contemporary US Superhero Mainstream Comics. BAAS Postgraduate Conference 2019. British Library – Eccles Centre, US Embassy London, UK.

[25/09/2019] The Materiality of the Wall(s): Counter-Space Appropriation in El Paso’s South Side. Exploring the Transnational Neighborhood: Integration, Community, and Co-Habitation. UCD Humanities Institute, IE.

[08/07/2019] (Re)Shaping the Boundary: A Critical Analysis of the Wall Discourse and Its Populist Appeal. IX IASA World Congress – New Challenges for American Studies in the 21st Century. Alcalá de Henares, ES.

[03/07/2019] De María Candelaria a Roma: representaciones del indígena en el cine mexicano y su recepción. Congreso Internacional Hispanismo y Cine – VI encuentro TECMERIN. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, ES.

[12/06/2019] Aliens: Reality vs Discursive Representation of Mexican (Un)Documented Workers in the US. HOTCUS 2019 Annual Conference. Liverpool John Moores University, UK.

[24/04/2019] ¡Cambiamos gachupines por españoles! Crisis y evolución del nacionalismo mexicano frente al exilio español. V Congreso Internacional sobre vínculos históricos entre España y Norteamérica. Alcalá de Henares, ES.

[07/02/2019] The US-Mexico Borderlands Heritage and the Wall: A Critical Approach to a Complex and Revived Challenge. Worlds of Cultural Heritage(s) International Conference. Universidade de Coimbra, Cátedra UNESCO and CES (Centro Estudos Socias), PT.

[24/11/2018] The Other Side of the Coin: The Wall Seen from Mexico. Paranoia in the Americas: American Anxieties in a Transnational Context. University College Cork, IE.

[14/11/2018] Una aproximación al terrorismo de estado mexicano a través del análisis crítico del discurso institucional. I Encuentro Internacional de Estudio sobre Estados de Excepción y Terrorismo de Estado. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, ES.

[25/10/2018] Rubén Landa y la dimensión pedagógica del exilio extremeño en México. II Simposio Internacional América y Extremadura. Universidad de Extremadura and Fundación Yuste, ES.

[15/6/2018] La letteratura come narrazione complementare all’interpretazione storiografica: la costruzione identitaria e microstorica nel Norte messicano. AIPH 2nd national conference. Università di Pisa, IT.

[27/04/2018] Entre Cárdenas y la Reforma Energética de 2013: análisis del discurso presidencial mexicano sobre la cuestión petrolera. V Jornadas de Jóvenes Americanistas. Universidad de Sevilla, ES.